Thursday, February 28, 2013

Review Guidelines

   As this is a review blog, I should probably explain my scoring standards. All future reviews will reference this post and follow these guidelines. Click past the jump to see the full list.

Review Guidelines:

   First and foremost, all reviews will be graded on a scale of 1-10, and the score will also be broken down in to five subcategories. The subcategories will not be used to calculate the final score, but will only be used as a way to rate various parts of the game. The subcategories are as follows:

Gameplay --- is the game fun to play? Is it prone to glitches or crashing?

   1    -  (An awful and broken game. Avoid it at all costs)
   10  -  (An amazing example of the genre, a nearly flawless experience)

Graphics/art --- this category will be twofold. It will rate not only how far the game pushes the system its on, but it will also rate whether the game's style is fresh and memorable, or whether it's just another uninspired and generic looking game.

   1    -   (an ugly and uninspired mess, this game will make your eyes bleed) -

   10  -  (amazing art direction and graphics, this game looks as good as it gets on this platform)

Sound --- Does the game's sound lend it's self well to the experience? Or does it does it have poorly recorded audio or lack of sound effect variety. This category will also rate voice acting quality and dub work where applicable.

   -  (the game sounds so bad that you will be playing it on mute)

10  -  (beautiful and atmospheric. This game's sound draws you into the experience like no other)

Music --- Is the game's music memorable? Or does it have the same few songs used throughout the game.

   1    -  (awful and grating music, might also cause ear bleeding)

   10  -  (beautiful or catchy music, you will be hearing this game's music in concerts years from now)

Replay value/length --- Is the game long enough to accomplish what it sets out do? Is it too short and  full of underused  ideas? Or is it filled with lots of senseless fetch quests and other useless padding. The other important factor (especially with shorter games) is, does it have high re-playability. This includes extra endings, new game+ modes, harder difficulty levels, etc.

   1    -  (too short to justify buying, a horrible value for the money)

   10  -  (near infinite length or re-playability, you will be playing this one for years)

Final score --- The final category will be based on how enjoyable I felt the game was as a whole. This score will not be an average.

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